class stwcs.wcsutil.hstwcs.HSTWCS(fobj=None, ext=None, minerr=0.0, wcskey=' ')
all_world2pix(*args, **kwargs)

all_world2pix(*arg, tolerance=1.0e-4, maxiter=20, adaptive=False, detect_divergence=True, quiet=False)

Performs full inverse transformation using iterative solution on full forward transformation with complete distortion model.

  • tolerance (float, optional (Default = 1.0e-4)) – Absolute tolerance required the solution. Iteration terminates when the correction to the solution found during the previous iteration is smaller (in the sence of the L2 norm) than accuracy .

  • maxiter (int, optional (Default = 20)) – Maximum number of iterations allowed to reach the solution.

  • adaptive (bool, optional (Default = False)) –

    Specifies whether to adaptively select only points that did not converge to a solution whithin the required accuracy for the next iteration. Default is recommended for HST as well as most other instruments.


    The all_world2pix() uses a vectorized implementation of the method of consecutive approximations (see Notes section below) in which it iterates over all input poits regardless until the required accuracy has been reached for all input points. In some cases it may be possible that almost all points have reached the required accuracy but there are only a few of input data points left for which additional iterations may be needed (this depends mostly on the characteristics of the geometric distortions for a given instrument). In this situation it may be advantageous to set adaptive = True in which case all_world2pix() will continue iterating only over the points that have not yet converged to the required accuracy. However, for the HST’s ACS/WFC detector, which has the strongest distortions of all HST instruments, testing has shown that enabling this option would lead to a about 10-30 % penalty in computational time (depending on specifics of the image, geometric distortions, and number of input points to be converted). Therefore, for HST instruments, it is recommended to set adaptive = False . The only danger in getting this setting wrong will be a performance penalty.


    When detect_divergence is True , all_world2pix() will automatically switch to the adaptive algorithm once divergence has been detected.

  • detect_divergence (bool, optional (Default = True)) –

    Specifies whether to perform a more detailed analysis of the convergence to a solution. Normally all_world2pix() may not achieve the required accuracy if either the tolerance or maxiter arguments are too low. However, it may happen that for some geometric distortions the conditions of convergence for the the method of consecutive approximations used by all_world2pix() may not be satisfied, in which case consecutive approximations to the solution will diverge regardless of the tolerance or maxiter settings.

    When detect_divergence is False , these divergent points will be detected as not having achieved the required accuracy (without further details). In addition, if adaptive is False then the algorithm will not know that the solution (for specific points) is diverging and will continue iterating and trying to “improve” diverging solutions. This may result in NaN or Inf values in the return results (in addition to a performance penalties). Even when detect_divergence is False , all_world2pix() , at the end of the iterative process, will identify invalid results (NaN or Inf) as “diverging” solutions and will raise NoConvergence unless the quiet parameter is set to True .

    When detect_divergence is True, all_world2pix() will detect points for which current correction to the coordinates is larger than the correction applied during the previous iteration if the requested accuracy has not yet been achieved. In this case, if adaptive is True, these points will be excluded from further iterations and if adaptive is False, all_world2pix() will automatically switch to the adaptive algorithm.


    When absolute tolerance has been achieved, small increases in current corrections may be possible due to rounding errors (when adaptive is False ) and such increases will be ignored.


    Setting detect_divergence to True will incurr about 5-10% performance penalty (in our testing on ACS/WFC images). Because the benefits of enabling this feature outweigh the small performance penalty, it is recommended to set detect_divergence to True, unless extensive testing of the distortion models for images from specific instruments show a good stability of the numerical method for a wide range of coordinates (even outside the image itself).


    Indices of the diverging inverse solutions will be reported in the divergent attribute of the raised NoConvergence object.

  • quiet (bool, optional (Default = False)) – Do not throw NoConvergence exceptions when the method does not converge to a solution with the required accuracy within a specified number of maximum iterations set by maxiter parameter. Instead, simply return the found solution.


NoConvergence – The method does not converge to a solution with the required accuracy within a specified number of maximum iterations set by the maxiter parameter.


Inputs can either be (RA, Dec, origin) or (RADec, origin) where RA and Dec are 1-D arrays/lists of coordinates and RADec is an array/list of pairs of coordinates.

Using the method of consecutive approximations we iterate starting with the initial approximation, which is computed using the non-distorion-aware wcs_world2pix() (or equivalent).

The all_world2pix() function uses a vectorized implementation of the method of consecutive approximations and therefore it is highly efficient (>30x) when all data points that need to be converted from sky coordinates to image coordinates are passed at once. Therefore, it is advisable, whenever possible, to pass as input a long array of all points that need to be converted to all_world2pix() instead of calling all_world2pix() for each data point. Also see the note to the adaptive parameter.


>>> import stwcs
>>> from astropy.io import fits
>>> hdulist = fits.open('j94f05bgq_flt.fits')
>>> w = stwcs.wcsutil.HSTWCS(hdulist, ext=('sci',1))
>>> hdulist.close()
>>> ra, dec = w.all_pix2world([1,2,3],[1,1,1],1); print(ra); print(dec)
[ 5.52645241  5.52649277  5.52653313]
[-72.05171776 -72.05171295 -72.05170814]
>>> radec = w.all_pix2world([[1,1],[2,1],[3,1]],1); print(radec)
[[  5.52645241 -72.05171776]
 [  5.52649277 -72.05171295]
 [  5.52653313 -72.05170814]]
>>> x, y = w.all_world2pix(ra,dec,1)
>>> print(x)
[ 1.00000233  2.00000232  3.00000233]
>>> print(y)
[ 0.99999997  0.99999997  0.99999998]
>>> xy = w.all_world2pix(radec,1)
>>> print(xy)
[[ 1.00000233  0.99999997]
 [ 2.00000232  0.99999997]
 [ 3.00000233  0.99999998]]
>>> xy = w.all_world2pix(radec,1, maxiter=3, tolerance=1.0e-10, quiet=False)
NoConvergence: 'HSTWCS.all_world2pix' failed to converge to requested accuracy after 3 iterations.
Now try to use some diverging data:
>>> divradec = w.all_pix2world([[1.0,1.0],[10000.0,50000.0], [3.0,1.0]],1); print(divradec)
[[  5.52645241 -72.05171776]
 [  7.15979392 -70.81405561]
 [  5.52653313 -72.05170814]]
>>> try:
>>>   xy = w.all_world2pix(divradec,1, maxiter=20, tolerance=1.0e-4, adaptive=False, detect_divergence=True, quiet=False)
>>> except stwcs.wcsutil.hstwcs.NoConvergence as e:
>>>   print("Indices of diverging points: {}".format(e.divergent))
>>>   print("Indices of poorly converging points: {}".format(e.failed2converge))
>>>   print("Best solution: {}".format(e.best_solution))
>>>   print("Achieved accuracy: {}".format(e.accuracy))
>>>   raise e
Indices of diverging points:
Indices of poorly converging points:
Best solution:
[[  1.00006219e+00   9.99999288e-01]
 [ -1.99440907e+06   1.44308548e+06]
 [  3.00006257e+00   9.99999316e-01]]
Achieved accuracy:
[[  5.98554253e-05   6.79918148e-07]
 [  8.59514088e+11   6.61703754e+11]
 [  6.02334592e-05   6.59713067e-07]]
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<console>", line 8, in <module>
NoConvergence: 'HSTWCS.all_world2pix' failed to converge to the requested accuracy.
After 5 iterations, the solution is diverging at least for one input point.
>>> try:
>>>   xy = w.all_world2pix(divradec,1, maxiter=20, tolerance=1.0e-4,
      adaptive=False, detect_divergence=False, quiet=False)
>>> except stwcs.wcsutil.hstwcs.NoConvergence as e:
>>>   print("Indices of diverging points: {}".format(e.divergent))
>>>   print("Indices of poorly converging points: {}".format(e.failed2converge))
>>>   print("Best solution: {}".format(e.best_solution))
>>>   print("Achieved accuracy: {}".format(e.accuracy))
>>>   raise e
Indices of diverging points:
Indices of poorly converging points:
Best solution:
[[  1.   1.]
 [ nan  nan]
 [  3.   1.]]
Achieved accuracy:
[[  0.   0.]
 [ nan  nan]
 [  0.   0.]]
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<console>", line 8, in <module>
NoConvergence: 'HSTWCS.all_world2pix' failed to converge to the requested accuracy.
After 20 iterations, the solution is diverging at least for one input point.
property naxis1
property naxis2

Print the basic WCS keywords.


Reads in first order IDCTAB coefficients if present in the header

readModel(update=False, header=None)

Reads distortion model from IDCTAB.

If IDCTAB is not found (‘N/A’, “”, or not found on disk), then if SIP coefficients and first order IDCTAB coefficients are present in the header, restore the idcmodel from the header. If not - assign None to self.idcmodel.

  • header (astropy.io.fits.Header) – fits extension header

  • update (bool (False)) – if True - record the following IDCTAB quantities as header keywords: CX10, CX11, CY10, CY11, IDCSCALE, IDCTHETA, IDCXREF, IDCYREF, IDCV2REF, IDCV3REF

readModelFromIDCTAB(header=None, update=False)

Read distortion model from idc table.

  • header (astropy.io.fits.Header) – fits extension header

  • update (booln (False)) – if True - save teh following as header keywords: CX10, CX11, CY10, CY11, IDCSCALE, IDCTHETA, IDCXREF, IDCYREF, IDCV2REF, IDCV3REF


Reset LTV values for polarizer data

The polarizer field is smaller than the detector field. The distortion coefficients are defined for the entire polarizer field and the LTV values are set as with subarray data. This may also be true for other special filters. This is a special case when the observation is considered a subarray in terms of detector field but a full frame in terms of distortion model. To avoid shifting the distortion coefficients the LTV values are reset to 0.

setInstrSpecKw(prim_hdr=None, ext_hdr=None)

Populate the instrument specific attributes:

These can be in different headers but each instrument class has knowledge of where to look for them.


Computes ORIENTAT from the CD matrix


Calculates the plate scale from the CD matrix


Updates the CD matrix with a new plate scale

wcs2header(sip2hdr=False, idc2hdr=True, wcskey=None, relax=False)

Create a astropy.io.fits.Header object from WCS keywords.

If the original header had a CD matrix, return a CD matrix, otherwise return a PC matrix.


sip2hdr (bool) – If True - include SIP coefficients